
Hey guys its been a while since I posted , Anyways I'm back (sort of ) school has been keeping me busy and yeah so i might be posting every once in a while . anyways lets get into the article :) . So I found out about this band from Palaye Royale ( btw i love Remington , Emerson and Sebastian ) i have seen alot of Palaye Fans talking about Waterparks for a while so i got curious and I finally checked them out yay . I Have heard a few of their songs and they remind me of Paramore/5sos (my opinion don't get offended if you love this band ) . One of my favorite songs by them so far is 21 questions it starts out really calming then gets loud and i like it . The band is from Houston , Texas , what i have gathered from this band is that some of their fans are from Palaye royale so who knows they could be friends in real life :) . Sorry this is really really short but I promise soon that i will be posting more when I'm not busy with school :) , Also i will be posting a Par...