Panic! At The Disco

Hey this might be my last post for a while because I have school next week and I'm honestly terrified , I hope I get to make new friends with my same music taste . Anyways so sorry for the update about me but I'm not going to be posting anything for a while or at least two weeks . So I've been a fan of Panic ! At The Disco for 2 1/2 years it might seem like a short time to like a band but this is when i was discovering my music taste and my passion for music . Two years ago if you'd asked me what I wanted to be when I grow up i wouldn't have been sure what i wanted to do with my life , now i know what I want to be I honestly been inspired By Brendon Urie from Panic ! At The Disco and many other bands . The Panic! fanbase is great and I'm very glad that i'm apart of this fanbase , ive met so many wonderful people in this fanbase some of them are in the same fanbase as paramore and etc . The first song I heard from panic! was This Is Gospel But around the t...