Marina And The Diamonds

Hey guys so sorry I have been gone for a little while I've been super busy with school and life in general but I will try to post as often as I can . I'm going to figure out what days I can post and I will be posting a update soon once I figure out what I can do , okay enough about me lets get into what I was going to post about . Marina And The Diamonds was introduced to me by my friend CryBaby . I heard of this artist before but I never really listen to her music before until now . It is really hard to explain what Marina is going for genre wise , i think she is a pop mixed with a little bit of indie . What I find really interesting about Marina is the way her music videos are set up as kinda something like chapters . I also love her modern and retro style in her music , her outfits are super cute . If she ever does a calloboration with two other artist I think she would be perfect writing songs with Melanie Martinez and Lana Del Rey , the reason why I think this would b...